C Major Pentatonic Scale Guitar
The C major pentatonic scale is a 5 note scale that is derived from the 7 note C major scale. This is a very common scale for folk and country music but of course you can find it used in all styles.
How To Play The C Major Pentatonic Scale On Guitar
Click below to learn the shapes of each pattern for the C major pentatonic scale. You'll also find the guitar tab and correct fingerings and pick direction so that you can easily develop speed and accuracy. I have also included the notes of the scale so you can begin to understand what is going on musically underneath the hood!
Notes of C Major Pentatonic Full Fretboard
Like all guitar scales, the notes span across the entire fretboard and at first glance it may seem a bit overwhelming. However, there are a lots of tricks for how to get them all memorized, easily change keys, and even break out of the box patterns.
I have indicated all the root notes with a square shape and have made each shape in purple for the patterns so you can see how it fits amongst the other notes on the fretboard.
What are the notes in the C major pentatonic scale on guitar?
There are 5 notes that make a pentatonic scale (hence penta) and for the C major pentatonic scale are notes C D E G A. See the scale diagrams and fretboard above for reference.
Lets compare to the C major scale to better understand where the C major pentatonic scale comes from:
C D E F G A B | C major scale
C D E - G A - | C major pentatonic scale
If you know your scale degrees it would look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 - 5 6 -
The 4th and the 7th scale degrees have been removed from the major scale thus creating the Major Pentatonic scale.
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Is C major pentatonic the same as A minor?
Yes actually! They share the exact same notes so when you play any C major scale you are also playing the A minor pentatonic scale. C major uses notes C D E G A and A minor uses notes A C D E G.
What is the difference between A minor and C major pentatonic scale?
As explained above, the notes and scale patterns are exactly the same. What determines which scale you are playing is the chord progressions underneath as the lead guitarist will harmonize with the notes of the chords being played. For example, if the rhythm guitarist is playing a chord progression such as C F G G this will sound VERY major and happy. But if you play Am F G G this will sound very minor and dramatic. Play those chords and listen.
C Major pentatonic scale shapes guitar
By only playing notes C D E G A and picking two notes per string we'll end up with 5 distinct "shapes" or "patterns." These patterns will span across all six strings depending on which note we start on and fit together like a puzzle. (See break down of each shape above). For pentatonic scales, picking two notes per string makes the scale easy to play and are often referred to as "box patterns."
What chords work with the C major pentatonic Scale?
The basic chords that the C major pentatonic scale works well with are C Dm Em F G Am and Bdim. You can also turn all these into power chords such as C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5.
If you need help learning these chords check out the Chord Library!
You may try a simple chord progression such as C-F-G or C-F-Am-G and practicing soloing over these chords.
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