What is the Guitar GPS Method?

The Guitar GPS Method is an online guitar academy that trains the student through the process of building their skills, musical knowledge and creativity as they progress through a leveled system of  gamified courses.

"Gamified" meaning you get points for passing off lessons, hitting milestones, and developing your proficiency in various skills. This not only makes learning fun but it takes all the guess work out where you're at, what you need to do, and whats missing in your development. 

It's the result of  11,000+ face to face teaching hours with students of all ages, backgrounds and learning styles at SLC Guitar (Preston's local guitar school) and has been proven to  get extra-ordinary results with ordinary players.

About Preston Howard 

and a brief history of the Guitar GPS Method

Hey what's up my name is Preston, I'm the owner and founder of the Guitar GPS Method as well as SLC Guitar (my local guitar school) and here's where I get to tell you a bit about me, my story and where Guitar GPS comes from. 

At age 15 and was inspired to learn when a friend played a Metallica riff at school. I knew I had to learn so I bought my first guitar with money I'd earned from working in potato harvest (yes, I am from Idaho and yes I worked in the potato fields 😅.)

But I didn't grow up in a musical family, we played sports. So music/guitar did not 

Learn About Preston Howard and the Guitar GPS Method

come natural to me despite practicing for hours a day.  I mean, I sucked so bad my friends told me to quit. But being extremely stubborn and not willing to let the band nerds out do me, I dug my heels and just tried harder.  

After 4 years of trying to "learn on my own" I finally came to the realization that the reason everything I played sounded so bad was because I didn't have any rhythm. Hell, I didn't even know what rhythm was exactly... So as a senior in high school I joined freshman band to learn basic rhythms on percussion. So in truth, I used to make fun of the band nerds and then I became one... (come to find out it's actually not that bad 🤓🤓) 

I went through 11 guitar teachers

Over the years I actually went through 11 (yes 11) guitar teachers. Why? Because I found that 98% of guitar teachers simply don't get it... For whatever reason they typically use 1 of 2 methods. 

Method 1: The read a book method:  They help you read a boring method book you can buy for $12.95. It's boring, it doesn't work. 

Method 2: Custom private lessons: The teacher asks you want you want to learn and they literally make it up each week. No structure, no proven path, they just scribble down parts of songs, scale patterns, random theory concepts etc etc. 

And the end result is impressively slow progress, frustration, confusion, boredom, and the worst part is the student thinks it's a problem on their end (their age, their finger size, bad memory, they lack natural talent etc etc.  

It usually doesn't occur to them that maybe they were just going about it all the wrong way. 

Opening My Local Guitar School

So, after many years of obsessing over trying to learn guitar (obsessing meaning I became a freaking hermit...)

I had pieced some things together and in 2010 I decided to open a local guitar school in Salt Lake City, Utah. 
Because I just wanted to share my passion with the world. 🥰🤗

LOL yea right... 🤣

I was sick of my day job selling sh** door to door and wanted to make money doing something I enjoy. 🤷‍♂️
(and not have people yell at me)

And from my experience with all my guitar teachers, I thought I could do a better job than the current status quo
of lame method books or never having a plan for my students success.

Cracking The Code 

Come to find out running a guitar school was A LOT harder than I thought... 😅 But there was no way I was going back to selling door to door so worked 12-16hr days and did so for years. 

But as far as teaching guitar goes, I ran into a lot of problems.

Problem such as:

  • What would work for 1 person wouldn't work for another...
  • What made perfect sense on paper would FAIL in real life (this is why most books/courses don't work btw) 
  • How to help players get results if they didn't have a lot of time to practice. 
  • How to get absolute beginners to instantly see success and stay motivated 
  • How to help beginners get better who have been stuck at the beginner level for years
  • How to quickly find and begin fixing the holes and gaps that hold the Intermediate players back
  • Figuring out WHY some players who practice a lot make little progress while others would progress with ease
  • How to insure practice was effective if a student was practice for 1-3hrs per day.
  • Finding how to prevent all the bad habits, holes, and gaps that cause plateaus 
  • How to teach anyone regardless of how many times they failed in the past to keep rhythm, learn by ear, shred, play by feel, be creative etc etc. 

and the list goes on and on... 

I the read books, joined masterminds with guitar teachers all over the world, went to conferences, hired a Harvard Grad who was an expert in curriculum design, and as of 2023 I have accumulated over 11,000 hours of face to face teaching. And spent even more time creating programs, testing them, and tweaking to find what simply works. 

Why did I go through so much trouble?

Because I know how frustrating it is to waste years of practice time and not see results and I think it's dishonest when a teacher will gladly take your money but either doesn't know how to get you results or doesn't care enough to build a system to set their students up for success. 

- I'm also kind of obsessive when it comes to my work and want to be the best at what I do. 🤷‍♂️

But There Was A BIG Problem

You see, as I began to crack the code and get impressive results with my students some would belly flop, some would fizzle out over time, and yes some would crush it.  

And it wasn't because my system didn't work, they'd just go home and forget what I told them to do so they'd practice wrong, noodle around, or go back to their bad habits. 

If only there was a way I could help them AT HOME 🤔

Introducing Guitar GPS

In 2019 I began taking my lessons, trainings, philosophy, and expertise and putting ONLINE for my students to use at home when they were NOT with me. This way I could STILL help them, guide them, remind them, even test them when they weren't with me. 

But more than that, I GAMIFIED it so they'd get points for developing their skills and increasing their proficiency. Now we could have the TRUTH of where they are at in their guitar playing every step of the way and they could have micro missions for what to achieve very practice session.    

You see, getting better is extremely easy when you know what action to take
(it's also VERY motivating)
and this is EXACTLY what The Guitar GPS Method does. 

Now, I am making the Guitar GPS Academy available so ANYONE can get killer guitar lessons for a fraction of the cost of in person lessons. 

In fact, we've had players tell us they are getting MASSIVELY better results with our online guitar lessons than with their previous private instructor! 😲 

  • No more boring method books
  • No more unproven ideas 
  • No more disorganized private lessons for $80hr
  • No more time driving to lessons
  • No more spending extra money on gas
  • No more wasting time on Youtube
  • No more bad advice from internet forums
  • No more paying for online guitar lessons that don't work
  • No more not getting better!

If you read this far you're obviously serious about learning/improving your guitar playing and want to make an educated purchase. Before you do, check out my one of my free trainings.


How to speed up your chord changes in less than 30 days


How to instantly solo in any key and break out of box position
